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Biko gị na ndị dị ka gị nwere ụdị okike dị iche iche maka ọbụbụenyi na omenala.
Ka udo dịrị gaba!
Disclaimer: Beware of fraudsters—never send money without seeing the item in person first, and always meet in a safe, public location.
Lezienụ anya maka ndi wayo: ezigala ego n’ebu ụzọ hụ ihe ahễ n’onwe gi, ma na-ezukọ mgbe niile na ebe nchekwa na ebe ọha.
Nke a bu oghere di mma maka ndi Igbo na-akpakọrịta. Anyi anaghi anabata mmegbu ma o bu irio aririo. Biko lelee usoro anyi ma gosi onye obula na-emegide iwu anyi.